Eden Hotel Amsterdam
GoTickin and Eden Hotel Amsterdam Eden Hotel Amsterdam is using the Housekeeping module, Maintenance module and the use of Service Areas. With these modules the hotel is able to manage their full facility department and make life easier for all. The combination with the outsources housekeeping department works better with insight into productivity, communication and...
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Anantara Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky
GoTickin and Anantara Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky Anantara Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky uses the housekeeping module to make sure the demands of the guests are fulfilled every day. With over 450 hotel rooms, the housekeeping has a great challenge every day and with the help of GoTickin this job is made more easy. The possibility to change...
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Beau Rivage Palace Lausanne
Housekeeping has never been so easy for Beau-Rivage Palace Hotel Since 1861, Beau-Rivage Palace has been proving that tradition and innovation – just like cultural heritage and modernity – complement each other very well. This ambassador of the highest Swiss hotel tradition is a great example of the country’s typically excellent hospitality. Classed as one...
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Van der Valk Breukelen
GoTickin and Van der Valk Breukelen Van der Valk Breukelen is one of the first users of the GoTickin software. Over the last view years the feedback from the users has helped us develop GoTickin further. Partnership with outsourced cleaning companies have also resulted in making GoTickin develop more possibility's for both partners. Using the...
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Grand Hotel Huis Ter Duin
GoTickin and Grand Hotel Huis Ter Duin Grand Hotel Huis Ter Duin is a very well known hotel within the Dutch hotel market and used to house many national and international celebrity’s, including one former president of the USA. With the help of GoTickin Grand Hotel Huis Ter Duin is able to assist all its...
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Clayton Hotel Amsterdam American
GoTickin and Clayton hotel Amsterdam American With the use of the Housekeeping module, Maintenance module and service areas the hotel enables themselves to have great communication, easy use of the application to their benefit and make sure all users are able to get insight into their operation. With the recent implementation of the maintenance module...
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Ambassade Hotel Amsterdam
GoTickin and Ambassade Hotel Amsterdam The Ambassade hotel is known for its great service and high performance on guest satisfaction. To make sure all departments run smooth and effortless, the hotel has chosen GoTickin to help its operation perform on this high standard. The housekeeping department and Front office communication is highly efficient with the...
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The Dylan
GoTickin and The Dylan The Dylan is one of the most prestigious hotels in the city of Amsterdam and offers 5 star service to its guests with the help of GoTickin. With the housekeeping module the housekeeping department is able to help and assist guests with all requests. To make sure the guests are surrounded...
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30 years of integration
management experience
with Eurofluxo Easylynq
Build and developed
with your feedback
Multi property
for every user